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XP1101 | 3-in-1 Dimmer/Speed Converter ICs
Main Features

Three-in-one dimming/speed control signal conversion IC. Compatible with dimming, speed control or current setting in isolated/non-isolated applications.

Product Features

01 Product Features

■ Automatic detection of three input dimming signals: 0-10V, resistive, and PWM.

■ Wide range VCC voltage (13V-45V) to meet the requirements of triple LED output applications

■ 5V 0%-100% PWM duty cycle output, PWM frequency field configurable

■ Direct drive optocoupler to meet global safety requirements

Multiple configurable input/output curves to meet different dimming/speed requirements

■ Maximum dimming voltage 0.1V-12.8V adjustable

■ Minimum dimming voltage 0-3.1V adjustable

■ Off voltage 0-3.15V adjustable

■ Switch-on voltage 0-3.15V adjustable 

■ Minimum duty cycle 0-11% adjustable

02 Product Selection

Ordering No.   

Function and Driver Interface



     Standard 0-10V/R/PWM 3-in-1 Interface IC, 100uA Current Source      


     Standard 0-10V/R/PWM 3-in-1 IC, 150uA current source          


    0-9.5V dimming voltage_100uA/5%


     Dual 0-10V/0-5V Interface Converter IC, 100uA Current Source


     0-10V Reverse Interface Converter IC for Tunnel Lights


     Standard 0-10V/R/PWM/Tunnel Light 4-in-1 Interface ICs

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